The schematic below represents my ideas about Effective Instruction. I believe there are three main categories of instruction and these are the three "domains" - Feedback, Content, and Context which are borrowed from the new ASOT model. These three domains are particularly relevant to high school classrooms and the ideas I have around effective Instruction. Each domain has one or more sub-category where each domain is categorised in more detail as "key elements". Each key element forms the basis for a teaching model. The teaching models are where I describe what good teaching looks like. Each teaching model is less than a page long - making my description of good teaching less than nine pages.
Each key element (there are nine) of Effective Instruction is described in some detail by a teaching model which is less than one page in length. Downloadable copies are over on the right. The format of one model (Critical and Creative Thinking skills) is shown below and all the models follow this basic structure.
The Good, the Great, and the Excellent - In two pages, my views on good (and getting better) teaching. Only two pages (maybe 11 if you count the nine teaching models above)... you gotta be kidding! How easy is this job?
What is "effective Instruction"? For me it is effective teaching and learning in a high school setting (i'm a high school teacher).
I do not claim to have any particular original or innovative ideas about what makes instruction "effective". My ideas borrow from current research methodologies such as ASOT, Hattie's work, Aust. professional standards from AITSL, and more importantly - 30 yrs of teaching experience. I have put together a simple framework and series of teaching models that allow any high school teacher to easily identify some simple things they can do to become a good teacher. I have learnt that there is no gospel and no perfect model of good teaching. Every single student needs their teacher to be excellent in slightly different ways, so I encourage all teachers to identify parts of these models which they can use to become better teachers.
Below is an example of me introducing the skills of evaluating which was one of two cognitive verbs for this lesson.
5+ mins. Using cognitive verbs to teach Chemistry
Teaching models for FEEDBACK
LGs and SC - teaching model
Direct Instruction - teaching model
Practice and Deepening - teaching model
Checking for Understanding - teaching model
Critical Creative Thinking - teaching model
High Expectations - teaching model
Relationships - teaching model
ITCthinkdrive. A broad overview of layers of learning and thinking tools to go with each type of learning.